谢恩·泰勒做事有方. Email her, and she’ll reply within hours. Request something, and she’ll make sure it gets completed. Set up a meeting, and she’ll show up early.

Taylor, in other words, is a go-getter. 证据是她目前的职位是临床教育和会议中心运营主任 Corewell健康.

It’s also evidenced by her education: She earned her 工商管理硕士 2005年和她 卫生行政博士 in 2021, both from University of Phoenix. 对泰勒来说,教育和领导就像护理和同情心一样是自然的一对. 为了领导,她需要学习. And UOPX and Corewell helped her get there.

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“老实说,谢恩是我46年职业生涯中遇到的最强大的领导者之一,莫林·毕晓普说, MSN, RN, CCRN, ccn, a clinical nurse specialist at Corewell who’s known Taylor for more than a decade. 在她看来, 泰勒的领导, 加上她的职业道德, make her a professional force to be reckoned with.

“She is an advocate for not only her team members but the organization,” she adds. “I would describe [her] as a visionary, 一个仆人, democratic and a transformation leader rolled into one!”

在某种程度上,泰勒注定要成为领导者,因为她喜欢这种教育意义. 出生在奥兰多, 佛罗里达, 在获得呼吸护理副学士学位和心肺科学学士学位后,她开始了床边临床医生的职业生涯.


“I loved mentoring and teaching new clinicians,泰勒说。. “As I gained confidence in my clinical role, my interest grew to impact practice and positive change in my workplace.”

Taylor began teaching at her local community college, 这满足了她的教育欲望, but she also began looking to remediate her own skill gaps. “(我的朋友和我)意识到,医疗保健的商业方面并不是你在临床重点学位上所学到的东西,泰勒说。.

So, 泰勒和她的朋友研究了MBA推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,并进入了推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(University of Phoenix),学习许多医疗专业人士没有学习的东西:如何像商人一样思考.

The program not only opened up a different style of thinking to Taylor, but it also offered new networking opportunities.

“我们开发了专业的, 无论是在学校还是在工作场所,学术和人际关系都让我们受益匪浅,” Taylor recalls of her and her friend’s experience. “I found my school relationships contributed significantly to my professional life.”

认识像谢恩一样的凤凰. Make connections, build relationships and be part of a growing community. 加入一个章节. 


泰勒的一切都很顺利. 她在佛罗里达州一家儿童医院负责几个部门的工作,并从面向病人的领导工作转向临床教育工作. Her MBA complemented this real-world experience.

“我的MBA帮助我从新手成长为具备商业头脑的领导能力专家,泰勒说。. “I became a mentor for some of my colleagues in this competency.”

然而,在2013年,情况发生了变化. Taylor and her husband moved to Michigan for family reasons. 她加入了Corewell团队,在多个科室的临床教育中担任领导角色.

在她适应了自己的角色之后, she began to wonder if earning her doctorate might be a good next step. It had been more than a decade since she’d completed her master’s degree, her children were in high school and semi-independent, and she’d just seen her senior leader complete her Doctor of 护理 Practice.

“It was a dream of mine,泰勒说。 of the doctoral program.

UOPX提供灵活的在线推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. (Taylor had seen her husband complete his bachelor’s program at UOPX online, but her own MBA program had been offered in person.)学习如何在网上上学意味着泰勒仍然可以“出席孩子们生活中的重要活动”,同时追求自己的目标, 她说.

她报名参加了 卫生行政博士 program 并获得了考威尔大学颁发的部分领导力奖学金,以帮助她实现这一目标. At that point, nothing was going to stop her. 不工作. 不是家庭. 甚至不是COVID.


At first, Taylor seemed to have the doctoral program well in hand. Corewell为她提供经济援助,并支持她继续接受教育. “我的直接领导指导我,并为我留出时间从事重大项目和参加实习,泰勒说。.

此外,泰勒正在建立同样的联系,这使得她的硕士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜如此有影响力. 在她的人脉中,有一位是加州的护理主任,还有一位是她经常联系的财务经理.


当疫情的触角延伸到她的工作和生活中时,这一点尤其有价值. 作为一线员工, 泰勒每天都要去医院,根据对COVID-19不断变化的了解来调整政策和工作流程.

“I spent many weekends doing a lot of my [doctoral] work, because I spent the majority of my Monday through Friday trying 学习 COVID,她说。. “我只需要努力去做.”

The pandemic wasn’t the only threat to Taylor’s educational commitment. After writing the first three chapters of her dissertation, her chair left. 泰勒担心她会被迫休息一段时间去找另一把椅子,但是, 最后, the University connected her with a potential replacement. He read through her work and made 256 edits. 他说,如果泰勒能根据这些编辑更新她的作品,他就会聘用她.

This happened over the weekend of Taylor’s wedding anniversary.

但她完成这个项目的勇气, 学习, 作为一个人和专业人士的成长——这驱使泰勒投入大量时间,及时把文件转过来.


“这是非常可怕的,但它最终是最好的事情,”她补充说,反思自己 从学生到毕业生的旅程


Doctoral student working on her dissertation on her computer at home.

3 ways to jump-start your doctoral experience

With the doctorate completed, Taylor recognizes its value in her daily life.

“因为我的DHA, 我在审查和准备研究以支持实践变化方面做了更好的准备,她说。. “成为教育领域的领导者, 我与他人分享我的研究知识,帮助他们提高提案的可信度.”

It has impacted her influence in other ways too. 她获得了博士学位,因为她喜欢学习,因为她看到了学习如何帮助她更好地完成工作. Others see a different, less tangible but more profound value.

“我相信,完成博士学位凸显了谢恩的能力,不仅为她的团队,也为组织内的其他领导者树立了一个伟大的榜样,毕晓普说. “她非常谦虚,以一种非常安静和谦逊的方式使用她的知识和专业知识. 她不炫耀自己的知识,但她非常善于把她接触到的每个人的最好一面都激发出来.”



伊丽莎白·埃克斯琳自从三年级赢得写作比赛后就一直在讲故事. 她的报道涉及设计和建筑, 旅行, 育儿, lifestyle content and a host of other topics for national, 区域, 本地及品牌刊物. 另外, 她曾在万豪国际集团(Marriott International)从事内容开发工作,并为多位作者撰写稿件. 今天,如果给她一个小时的自由时间和选择,她仍然宁愿蜷缩起来听一个好故事.

